Colin Roche - Le Livre des Nombres / Ruban (2016)
towards sound #1
curated BY Ruth Wiesenfeld
31 July - 9 August 2020
Twenty-five composers and sound artists grant a peek behind the scenes of their creative process. Their contributions respond to the question: How do you transform the intangible aspects of sonic imagination to something more palpable preceding musical notation or actual sound?
TOWARDS SOUND sees itself as network, archive and series of events taking a look at the creative process of people working in the field of sound. It investigates diverse approaches of rendering sonic imagination tangible.
Inventing a new sound world is a highly complex adventure, even more so if refraining from auxiliary means such as musical instruments or audio software. Once the imaginative powers are overextended, the desire for a palpable vis-à-vis comes into play: anything but sound that enables the passage from the first vague conception towards a finished work. Acts of drawing, sculpting, writing, filming, ordering, assembling and taking apart facilitate a deeper comprehension of ones imagined sound world - its textures, energies and structural elements.
Considered as mere byproducts of an artistic quest focused on a musical composition or another kind of audio work, the outcomes of such deviations are often doomed to a shadowy existence. TOWARDS SOUND aims at bringing these valuable witnesses of a creative journey out of the drawer by presenting them in exhibitions and lecture concerts as well as collecting and archiving them.
featuring contributions by
Michele Abondano, Rosaire Appel, Helena Cánovas Parés, Gloria Damijan, Nikos Drelas, Alessandra Eramo, Christina Ertl Shirley, James Etherington, Jesse Farber, Birgitta Flick, James Fulkerson, Gerard Garrison, Steve Gisby, Timo Kahlen, Julien Lonchamp, Frédéric Mathevet, Diego Rocha, Colin Roche, Luca Staffiere, Gudmundur Steinn Gunnarsson, Eldred Stevenson, Peter Strickmann, Francisco Uberto, Thomas van Walle, Steffi Weismann
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