31 July - 08 August 2015
Maria Bajt, Kuno Ebert, Petter Kreuger, Tobias Sternberg, Nat Tafelmacher-Magnat, Sarah Winter
31 July - 08 August 2015
INVITED BY Tobias Sternberg, Nat Tafelmacher-Magnat
Six artists tell the story of narrative art, in all its width and possibilities. Not always so hip with the curators or so slick with the market, but resonating deeply with our human need for understanding the world as a metaphor. Whether funny, seductive or highly critical, whether figurative, associative or recombining found objects, the strength of telling a story using art is that the form is free. Maybe just the end of a story is shown, or its set-up or stage or characters. Maybe we are getting a glimpse of the world it inhabits, or just gets to see its consequences. When it works, a small fragment of a narrative can imply a whole universe of possibilities, all imagined in your mind. Art can be told in many different ways, and here we only have space to show you a few, but the story has not yet ended…